Turning A Date Into A Folder Path – Node

This short code segment turns today’s date into a folder path. For example, today’s date of April 2, 2019 would be turned into 2019/04/02. I use it for categorizing date related documents into appropriate folders within GCS.

var datestamp_obj = new Date( (new Date()).getTime() + (-6) * 3600 * 1000 );
var datestamp_slash = datestamp_obj.getFullYear() + "/";
    datestamp_slash += datestamp_obj.getMonth().toString().padStart(2, "0") + "/" + datestamp_obj.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0");

Creating A WordPress Blog Slug – NodeJS

A slug in WordPress is the part of the URL that references the blog title. For example, if the URL looks like example.com/2019/this-is-my-test-post, then this-is-my-test-post would be a slug. Typically a slug is all letters and numbers, with any other character being replaced by a dash.

The below code fragment is a simple JS function to reduce a blog title down to a slug – you may want to add some additional code to guarantee a certain slug length.

var generateSlug = function generateSlug(title) {
  var allowable_characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890";
  //Builds our own slug
  title = title.trim().toLowerCase();
  var title_array = title.split("");
  var outbound_title = " ";
  for ( var i = 0; i < title_array.length; i++) {
    var title_char = title_array[i];
    if ( allowable_characters.indexOf(title_char) != -1 ) {
      outbound_title = outbound_title + title_char;
    else if ( outbound_title.split("").pop() != "-" ) {
      outbound_title = outbound_title + "-";
  console.log("Generated slug: " + outbound_title);
  return outbound_title.trim();
}//end generateSlug