Redirecting From Tumblr To WordPress

I’ve been setting up redirects from my old Tumblr blog to WordPress; here is documentation how I handled it.

Netlify offers static web page hosting, and more importantly, supports redirects and rewrites. It can deploy a static web site from a git repository, or by uploading a folder from your local computer. What I did was set up a git repo with a file named “_redirects” (no quotation marks) and connected it with a Netlify deployment; instructions to do this are available here: .

The redirects file should look like this:

/                                                  301
/tagged/*                                          301
/post/49459687975/*                                301

This works by:

  1. Mapping the root to forward to
  2. Remaps Tumblr tags, which would look like “/tagged/exampletag” to “” – the :splat is replaced with any text after /tagged/
  3. Remaps a test post to the real location.

Obviously, all of these redirects are 301 Moved Permanently links. You’ll also need to remap your old domain to point to the Netlify deployment target: .